Friday, September 30, 2005
Top Movies and Stars - Part 1
I like to watch movies, so always go to theaters and rent DVD. I would show my favorite movies and stars every Friday, how about your choice? Please let me know.
Today is ...
Movies - My Best Friend's Wedding and The Sixth Sense
Stars - Julia Roberts and Renee Zellweger
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Living - 9/18-24
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
9/28 - 孔子誕辰日
孔子曰:「可以與人終日而不倦者, 其惟學乎!」
吾曰: 「憎人富貴厭人窮, 看人纖廋望人肥。」
吾曰: 「跟人口水尾, 睡覺碌落地。」
吾曰: 「勾個手指尾, 唔好'R'大脾。」
五 種 蔬 果 有 助 增 強 記 憶 力
椰 菜 花 馬 鈴 薯 白 蘿 蔔 蘋 果 橙 五 種 蔬 果 有 助 增 強 記 憶 力
【 蘋 果 日 報 訊 】 英 國 倫 敦 皇 家 學 院 一 份 研 究 列 出 , 五 種 能 夠 增 強 記 憶 力 的 蔬 果 , 包 括 椰 菜 花 、 馬 鈴 薯 、 橙 、 蘋 果 和 白 蘿 蔔 , 這 五 種 蔬 果 中 都 含 有 與 治 療 老 年 癡 呆 症 藥 物 具 同 樣 作 用 的 物 質 。
老 年 癡 呆 症 影 響 思 考老 年 癡 呆 症 會 造 成 大 腦 思 考 、 記 憶 和 語 言 能 力 受 損 , 嚴 重 影 響 患 者 的 日 常 生 活 能 力 , 而 治 療 這 種 疾 病 的 藥 物 , 多 數 都 是 乙 醯 膽 鹼 酯 脢 ( acetylcholinesterase ) 抑 制 劑 , 這 一 種 酵 素 可 以 阻 斷 神 經 傳 導 物 質 乙 醯 膽 鹼 。
My Advice : An Apple a Day, Does Keep the Doctor Away
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Moore Weds after Decent Proposal
Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore have trapped each other for two years; she tied the knot with him last Saturday. Though the groom is younger than the bride of more than 10 years, they don't mind the aged distance. Americans are the opposite of Chineses, most of the middle-aged men have been finding pretty girls who have lived in China to get marriage, their wives told reporters they just like their hundreds' property. True love is not important and means nothing to them.
Monday, September 26, 2005
On and Off
Last Thursday is the first day of fall; some old folks say the weather starts to get cool. Besides doing mask and going shopping for wear, we should check our resolution in 2005 out which one we can't achieve the goal. MMVI is coming soon; we will make a New Year resolution getting a complete new dream or just repeating MMV of proposes. I seriously ask myself.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Living - 9/11-17
Wow! Please visit my priceless works of art in my blog every week, you are cordially invited to Photos-9/11-17, let me know your good opinion.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
It's Q And A time
Q: What does "aminibreak" mean?
A: A mini-break. I hope you visit my blog like you drink a cup of warming coffee and eat a fresh muffin, enjoy your life.
A: A mini-break. I hope you visit my blog like you drink a cup of warming coffee and eat a fresh muffin, enjoy your life.
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